Can Mouthguards Prevent Dental Injuries in Children?

Children love to play sports and stay active. As parents, it’s important to think about their safety, including protecting their teeth. Mouthguards can help prevent dental injuries and keep your child’s smile healthy. Let’s dive into how mouthguards prevent dental injuries in your children.

How Mouthguards Work

Mouthguards are devices worn over the teeth. They absorb and spread out the force of impact, preventing your child’s teeth from chipping, breaking, or getting knocked out. They also protect the lips, cheeks, and tongue from cuts and bruises.

Types of Mouthguards

There are three main types of mouthguards:

  1. Stock Mouthguards: Pre-formed and ready to use. They’re cheap but often bulky and uncomfortable. These can be found in most sporting goods stores and offer basic protection, but they may not fit your child’s smile well and can make breathing and talking difficult.
  1. Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards: Made from a material that softens in hot water. They provide a better fit than stock mouthguards and are moderately priced. However, it can be tricky to mold them correctly at home. You boil the mouthguard, let it cool slightly, and then have your child bite down to create an impression of their teeth.
  1. Custom-Fitted Mouthguards: These are made in our office to fit your child’s mouth specifically. They offer the best fit, comfort, and protection. While more expensive, they are worth the investment for serious athletes or children with special dental needs. 

Benefits of Using Mouthguards

Mouthguards offer many benefits for children in sports and physical activities. Here are some key advantages:

Prevent Dental Injuries

Mouthguards help prevent chipped or broken teeth, root and bone damage, and tooth loss. They act as a cushion, absorbing the impact and reducing the risk of serious dental injuries. This is crucial for younger children who are still growing and getting their permanent teeth.

Protect Soft Tissues

Mouthguards shield the lips, cheeks, and tongue from cuts and bruises. During high-contact sports, these soft tissues are especially vulnerable to injury.


Investing in a mouthguard can save you money by avoiding those expensive dental treatments. The cost of a mouthguard can be cheaper when compared to the expenses of dental surgery or orthodontic corrections from injuries.

Boost Confidence

Wearing a mouthguard can give your child confidence, allowing them to play without worrying about dental injuries. This peace of mind can improve their performance and enjoyment of sports.

Improve Safety

Mouthguards provide a barrier against teeth grinding during sports to protect their teeth from wear and damage. They also help prevent jaw injuries by cushioning the impact. 

In some cases, mouthguards can reduce the severity of concussions by absorbing shock and stabilizing the head and neck.

Can Mouthguards Prevent Dental Injuries in Children?

Choosing the Right Mouthguard for Your Child

Choosing the best mouthguard for your child means considering fit, comfort, and age. Make sure the mouthguard fits snugly without restricting breathing or speech. A well-fitted mouthguard stays in place even during intense activity.

Consider Your Child’s Age

Younger children or those in high-impact sports might need different protection levels. For example, a child playing football may need a stronger mouthguard if they’re playing soccer.

Comfort & Fit

The mouthguard should be comfortable enough that your child will wear it consistently. If it is uncomfortable or causes pain, they may be less likely to use it and increase their risk of injury.


Mouthguards made from high-quality, durable materials offer better protection and last longer. Custom-fitted mouthguards are typically made from high-grade materials that are both durable and comfortable.

Caring for Your Child’s Mouthguard

Taking care of your child’s mouthguard is key for its longevity and effectiveness:

Rinse Before & After Use: Rinse the mouthguard before and after each use to keep it clean. This helps remove any bacteria or debris that may have built up.

Clean Regularly: Use a toothbrush and mild soap to clean the mouthguard regularly. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and cause scratches.

Proper Storage: Store the mouthguard in a strong container to prevent damage and allow it to dry. This prevents the growth of bacteria and keeps the mouthguard in its best shape.

Inspect Regularly: Check the mouthguard for wear and tear. Replace it if it shows signs of damage or no longer fits properly. A damaged mouthguard can’t bring the protection and should be replaced immediately.

Avoid High Temperatures: Keep the mouthguard away from hot water and direct sunlight to prevent warping. High temperatures can cause the material to deform and lower its effectiveness.

Can Mouthguards Prevent Dental Injuries in Children?

Protecting Their Smile at Topsmiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

Mouthguards are a simple yet effective way to prevent dental injuries in children. For more information on mouthguards or to schedule a fitting, contact Topsmiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics in Winnipeg today.